A FANUC® Servo Drive and Spindle Board Repair Service in Bensenville, Illinois

FANUC Beta Servo A06B-6093-H15x / H17x series I/O Alarms and Error Codes

FANUC Beta Servo Drive A06b-6093-H15x / H17x Series I/O Alarms and Error Codes

The following alarm codes cover the A06B-6093-H15x / H17x series. Knowing your error code could help us provide you with the fast and precise evaluation for repair or exchange services.

Request a Free Consultation

Please contact us for free consultation about any of the following error codes, or any other problems with your FANUC A06B-6093-H15x/H17x series. Call 630-616-0039 or fill up a contact form.

Program or Setting Alarms P/S

Alarm Number LED  display Description
000 U A parameter that requires power down has been specified.
011 F The specified feedrate is zero.
013 F The specified feedrate is zero.
070 t More than 32 blocks have been registered for a buffering operation.
085 h Input from the reader/punch interface or the like caused an overrun, parity or framing error.
086 h Input from the reader/punch interface or the like includes an input/output unit operation ready signal (DR) that is set to off.
087 h After input form the reader/punch interface or the like stops, character input does not stop even though ten characters have been input.
090 9 Reference position setting cannot be executed normally.
093 u A first to third reference position return cannot be executed because the reference position has not yet been established.
224 u The reference position has not yet been established.
250 7 Input data 1 is invalid.
251 7 Input data 2 in invalid.
255 n Operation cannot be activated because an invalid mode is specified or because block execution is in progress.
290 _  The interface switch signal (DRC) was switched during block execution.
291 The speed of an axial movement specified by an external pulse has exceeded the upper limit.
292 A checksum error for the battery powered memory was detected.

Pulse Coder Alarms

Alarm Number LED  display Description
300 5 A communication error (DTER) for the serial pulse coder was detected.
301 5 A communication error (CRCER) for the serial pulse coder was detected.
302 5 A communication error (STBER) for the serial pulse coder was detected.
303 6 An LED disconnection (LDAL) was detected in the serial pulse coder.
304 6 A mispulse alarm (PMAL) for the serial pulse coder was detected.
305 6 A miscount  alarm (CMAL) for the serial pulse coder was detected.
306 3 The motor was overheated (OHAL).
308 6 A soft phase alarm (SPHAL) was detected.
319 11 When the absolute pulse coder is  used, the motor has not yet rotated through more than one turn after the first power up.
350 2 The battery voltage of the absolute pulse coder is low.
351 1 The battery voltage of the absolute pulse coder is low ( warning).
400 4 The servo motor has overheated (estimated value).
401 Servo amplifier ready signal (DRDY) went off.
403 o The cooling fans have overheated.
404 J The regeneration discharge  has over heated.
405 n Reference position return could not be executed correctly.
410 The servo position error in the stop state is larger than the value specified in parameter no 110.
411 The servo position error during movement is larger than the value specified in parameter no 182.
412 c An overcurrent alarm is issued.
413 y A DC link overvoltage alarm is issued.
414 P A DC link low voltage alarm is issued.
417 A A parameter has been specified incorrectly.
418 E A DO alarm is issued.
423 t The specified speed excess 32767000 detection units per second.
425 C The cooling fan has stopped.

Overtravel Alarms

Alarm Number LED  display Description
500 H The positive stroke limit has been exceeded.
501 H The megative stroke limit has been exceeded.
510 H The positive soft stroke limit has been exceeded.
511 H The negative soft stroke limit has been exceeded.

System Alarms

Alarm Number LED  display Description
E An error was detected in the RAM write/read test at power up.
8 An error was detected in the data collection check for the battery powered memory.
9 A data transfer alarm for the battery powered  memory has been issued.
d A watchdog was issued.
b A checksum alarm for the control software ROM is issued.
9 A checksum alarm for the ROM that is built into the CPU is issued.
. An error was detected in the control circuit.

I/O Link Alarm

Alarm Number LED  display Description
L A FANUC I/O link error occurred. A unit connected to the line was turned off.

No LED Display

Alarm Number LED  display Description
No indicators Lit The control circuit is not operating normally.

Request a Free Consultation

Please contact us for free consultation about any of the following error codes, or any other problems with your FANUC A06B-6093-H15x/H17x series. Call 630-616-0039 or fill up a contact form.