FANUC Beta Servo Drive A06b-6093-H15x / H17x Series I/O Alarms and Error Codes
The following alarm codes cover the A06B-6093-H15x / H17x series. Knowing your error code could help us provide you with the fast and precise evaluation for repair or exchange services.
Request a Free Consultation
Please contact us for free consultation about any of the following error codes, or any other problems with your FANUC A06B-6093-H15x/H17x series. Call 630-616-0039 or fill up a contact form.
Program or Setting Alarms P/S
Alarm Number | LED display | Description |
000 | U | A parameter that requires power down has been specified. |
011 | F | The specified feedrate is zero. |
013 | F | The specified feedrate is zero. |
070 | t | More than 32 blocks have been registered for a buffering operation. |
085 | h | Input from the reader/punch interface or the like caused an overrun, parity or framing error. |
086 | h | Input from the reader/punch interface or the like includes an input/output unit operation ready signal (DR) that is set to off. |
087 | h | After input form the reader/punch interface or the like stops, character input does not stop even though ten characters have been input. |
090 | 9 | Reference position setting cannot be executed normally. |
093 | u | A first to third reference position return cannot be executed because the reference position has not yet been established. |
224 | u | The reference position has not yet been established. |
250 | 7 | Input data 1 is invalid. |
251 | 7 | Input data 2 in invalid. |
255 | n | Operation cannot be activated because an invalid mode is specified or because block execution is in progress. |
290 | _ | The interface switch signal (DRC) was switched during block execution. |
291 | The speed of an axial movement specified by an external pulse has exceeded the upper limit. | |
292 | A checksum error for the battery powered memory was detected. |
Pulse Coder Alarms
Alarm Number | LED display | Description |
300 | 5 | A communication error (DTER) for the serial pulse coder was detected. |
301 | 5 | A communication error (CRCER) for the serial pulse coder was detected. |
302 | 5 | A communication error (STBER) for the serial pulse coder was detected. |
303 | 6 | An LED disconnection (LDAL) was detected in the serial pulse coder. |
304 | 6 | A mispulse alarm (PMAL) for the serial pulse coder was detected. |
305 | 6 | A miscount alarm (CMAL) for the serial pulse coder was detected. |
306 | 3 | The motor was overheated (OHAL). |
308 | 6 | A soft phase alarm (SPHAL) was detected. |
319 | 11 | When the absolute pulse coder is used, the motor has not yet rotated through more than one turn after the first power up. |
350 | 2 | The battery voltage of the absolute pulse coder is low. |
351 | 1 | The battery voltage of the absolute pulse coder is low ( warning). |
400 | 4 | The servo motor has overheated (estimated value). |
401 | Servo amplifier ready signal (DRDY) went off. | |
403 | o | The cooling fans have overheated. |
404 | J | The regeneration discharge has over heated. |
405 | n | Reference position return could not be executed correctly. |
410 | The servo position error in the stop state is larger than the value specified in parameter no 110. | |
411 | The servo position error during movement is larger than the value specified in parameter no 182. | |
412 | c | An overcurrent alarm is issued. |
413 | y | A DC link overvoltage alarm is issued. |
414 | P | A DC link low voltage alarm is issued. |
417 | A | A parameter has been specified incorrectly. |
418 | E | A DO alarm is issued. |
423 | t | The specified speed excess 32767000 detection units per second. |
425 | C | The cooling fan has stopped. |
Overtravel Alarms
Alarm Number | LED display | Description |
500 | H | The positive stroke limit has been exceeded. |
501 | H | The megative stroke limit has been exceeded. |
510 | H | The positive soft stroke limit has been exceeded. |
511 | H | The negative soft stroke limit has been exceeded. |
System Alarms
Alarm Number | LED display | Description |
– | E | An error was detected in the RAM write/read test at power up. |
– | 8 | An error was detected in the data collection check for the battery powered memory. |
– | 9 | A data transfer alarm for the battery powered memory has been issued. |
– | d | A watchdog was issued. |
– | b | A checksum alarm for the control software ROM is issued. |
– | 9 | A checksum alarm for the ROM that is built into the CPU is issued. |
– | . | An error was detected in the control circuit. |
I/O Link Alarm
Alarm Number | LED display | Description |
– | L | A FANUC I/O link error occurred. A unit connected to the line was turned off. |
No LED Display
Alarm Number | LED display | Description |
– | No indicators Lit | The control circuit is not operating normally. |
Request a Free Consultation
Please contact us for free consultation about any of the following error codes, or any other problems with your FANUC A06B-6093-H15x/H17x series. Call 630-616-0039 or fill up a contact form.